Sunday, April 4, 2010

Two Easter Pics...

This first picture is our family of 5 dressed and ready to go to church on Easter Sunday morning. This was the boys' first trip to church, and they did great! Reid was awake for most of the service while Chase mostly slept. R held Chase and I held Reid. At one point, C wanted to be held too, so while standing and singing, I held them BOTH! Whew! Arm workout! And just a bit of advice for folks...When you see a tired looking mommy and daddy with many small children, don't say, "Gosh, you've got your hands full!" or "Bless your heart!" Say something more encouraging like, "What a beautiful family!" or "God has truly blessed you!" Thanks!

This picture CRACKS me up (pun totally intended!) While hunting eggs this afternoon, C couldn't keep her pants up! I snapped the picture just in time to catch a glimpse of the Minnie Mouse undies! He he! Such a cutie!


  1. That family sure looks lucky! Sooooo precious!
    Love you all!!!!!

  2. What a beautiful family!!! And I was going to say that anyway!

  3. Oh wow, that's one of the most precious things I've seen! You guys are a very beautiful family!
