Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Take a guess...

Just because I think it would be interesting to see what y'all think AND because I truly have NO IDEA (no "mother's intuition" or anything like that) please leave a comment between now and Thursday at noon and make your best guess!

Are we having Boy/Boy twins? Girl/Girl twins? or Boy/Girl twins?

Let me know if you have any reason behind your guess or if you are just making a random guess!

OH and we do have "official" names for each combination...
Reid Michael & Chase Logan

Chandler Louise & Riley Marie

Reid Michael & Chandler Louise


  1. I think it's boy/girl. Just a random guess, no reason to think that. Also, love the middle name Louise. That just happens to be my middle name! =)

  2. I think it's girl/girl. I really have no clue why, just my gut feeling. The names are precious!

  3. For absolutely no reason at all, I'm going to say boy/girl. I LOVE the names! :) On the edge of my seat until tomorrow!!!!!

  4. I'm thinking boy/girl. Every Dad needs a little boy, and every little girl needs a sister. GREAT names!

  5. My blogger intuition says you will have two of the same. :) So maybe boy/boy??

  6. I think it will be girl/boy. Good luck and keep us posted.

  7. First of all, I do not have a preference. I will be thrilled no matter what, but in my mind, I have mostly thought boy and girl. I think that Dad is thinking boy and boy. I am so blessed and so thrilled that I get to come for the ultra-sound. Can't wait and then we must go shopping afterwards.....keep up the tradition.

  8. I vote boy/girl. Zero reasoning behind it except maybe my practical thinking: another girl means you get to recycle clara's goodies and save some money, and a boy just brings new fun to the mix.

  9. I think that R is destined to live in a house of girls.

    But I really, really hope it's not true. Boys are so much fun!

  10. I have a very "scientific Analysis" and by your photo,I predict one will be a boy because you look to be carrying them lower then normal and the twin boy or girl will have to just come along for the ride. They both will have Great parents and a wonderful big sister.Love Papa

  11. I think one boy one girl....but I"m always wrong so just know that you can count on that probably not happening since I think that!

    Can't wait to hear!
    BTW-I was catching up on your blog posts and you HAVE to get Gracie sliding down the slide on video! That sounds hillarious!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Mathematically speaking...the probability
    of two of the same gender is 0.3235, and the probability of one of each gender is 0.3529, so I'm going with boy/girl ;)
    Luv, Holly

  13. Only because I have B/B twins I think you will too. Of course my mind and thoughts always migrate to my personal experience. I know any combination will be welcomed and considered a blessing; however, I've really enjoyed having same gender twins because common interests naturally exist. God has selected these babies just for you and R...can't wait 'til Thursday!

  14. Boy/Girl, Ryan need a boy to attend all Aggie sporting events with. Either way, I get more neices and nephews so I am happy!!!
    -Uncle Josh

  15. I say Boy/Girl because...then Clara will have a brother and a sister. Also, you'll have the newness of being a mommy to a boy, but not two boys, b/c that might be a bit much. You'll have the familiarity of being mommy to a girl... maybe slightly less overwhelming that way? No flawed logic there, eh?

  16. I am thinking a boy/girl. Good luck! how exciting. I love the name choices! Can't wait to hear!

  17. Ummm, I'm going with boy/girl... no reason. I don't care which one it is, I just cannot wait to hear on Thursday!!!

  18. I'm going to guess boy/girl, too - no reason. Just a gut feeling. Can't wait to find out! Hope your appt goes well.

  19. I have no guess, but I know that those two little ones will be truely blessed to have you and R for parents and C for a big sister. And, oh my, won't we have fun at family gatherings! Love you!
    Aunt Tye

  20. I already guessed - just coming back wondering when your appointment is? Today?? I'm on the edge of my seat here! =)

  21. So most of the guesses are for boy/girl. My sonogram is at 1:30 and they said it would take an hour since there are 2 babies to measure. I will post/text/email/facebook as soon as I can after that! My guess is at least one boy because of all the salty/savory/sour foods I have craved AND because my acne hasn't been nearly as bad as it was with C!! We shall see soon!

  22. hehe! you are about to go in! can't wait. i know i have shared this with you guys, but i initially thought boy/girl, BUT knowing ryan's luck...it will be girl/girl! not that there is anything wrong with that, but can't a man catch a break???! seriously, 4 menstrual cycles in one house?!?!? love you and all options are a gift!!!! xoxo
