Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Big Girl Bed Update

Exhibit A: Big girl in her big girl bed after mommie and daddy FINALLY got it all set up! She was GIDDY with excitement when it all came together! She went and got her “friends” (Sammy, Lovey & Giraffe) and put them in the bed along with her “boppies” (pacifiers)! She kept saying, “Mommie, I sleep in big girl bed! Good night!”

Exhibit B: Big girl actually asleep in her big girl bed after wallering and tossing all of the pillows about! She’s slept in the bed the past two nights and has done really, really well! This picture was taken on the second night!

Corrie’s Tips for Moving a Big Girl to a Big Girl Bed…

1. TALK IT UP! Talk about it for a week before the switch is to happen. Point out “big girl beds” any time you see them on television or in books. Make it sound SO cool! The day of the switch, talk about helping take down the “baby bed” and putting up the “big girl bed.” Ask her, “Where are you going to sleep tonight?” to which she will reply, “My big girl bed!”

2. Let the Big Girl actually help put the “big girl bed” up. We gave C an Allan wrench, a screwdriver and a tire gauge (?) and she had the best time “helping” us work. We praised her like crazy and she was so interested in watching every step.

3. Get the Big Girl some pretty new sheets! We got some at Kohl’s with pink flowers on them. I made a big deal about all the pretty flowers in her new bed! When the sheets are covered up, she asks to see the pretty flowers!

4. GET A BEDRAIL! The one we got is from Target. It was affordable (around $35, I think) and it has two small pockets on the inside where C has her “boppies” stashed. She is so jazzed about the “boppies” being so handy! She keeps saying, “Boppies go in there!”

5. Do your normal night time routine and when you are saying prayers thank God for the “big girl bed” and then put the Big Girl to bed like normal. Turn on the monitor and wait! The first night Ryan had to go in there once and remind her to close her eyes and go night-night. Last night, she didn’t make a peep!

We’re very relieved that things have gone so well. She did have one incident yesterday afternoon when she asked to play in her bed. I put her in the bed and left the room. A few minutes later I heard a thud and then some serious crying. She jumped out of the bed, fell out of the bed or slipped out of the bed. She’s got a red pop-knot on her head, but I think she learned a valuable lesson…Call mommie or daddy when you are ready to get out of bed! Later yesterday evening, I heard her say, “Mommy help you get out!” The girl picks things up SO quickly!


  1. YAY for C getting it right away! She's so smart!

    How old is Miss C right now? Owen's 18 months and we're wondering when to move him to his "big boy bed." I think you're suggestions are GREAT, but I don't think he'd really understand some of those concepts. You know?

  2. What a big girl:) Such a cutie!
    Love all of your "transition tips". I'll have to file those in memory for down the road when we move Molly to her daybed!

  3. Danielle,
    She's almost 22 months. In another situation, we probably would have waited until she was 2+ BUT we didn't want it to be too close to when the boys arrive. I mean, we needed her crib mattress for one of the baby beds, but we didn't want her to feel like she was being kicked out of her bed. We wanted it to be special for her. So, yeah, I'd say Owen has some time to work with! His conceptual understanding will grow like crazy over the next few months!!

  4. Yay, yay, yay! I'm so glad it went so well. I think you're right about the conceptual understanding. I think waiting until the beginning of next year for Hannah will work well for us. When she hit 18 months, all of a sudden her understanding and vocabulary are blossoming like crazy. I think a few more months under our belt will be perfect timing.

    Great job, C!

  5. AMAZED. funny that we moved mug into his a week before clara...she is mature! i agree with your tips. we have no bedrail but {knock on wood} he has only fallen out once. he has a full size, so i am hoping there is more room to sleep crazy?!?!? we shall see!
