Thursday, October 8, 2009

Help, please!

Thanks for your advice on this one, guys! Luckily, I was able to find a pediatric, preservative-free vaccine for C at the Health Department. She will be going tomorrow for that. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find one for myself. My OB and my family doctor are both out. The Health Department has no adult vaccines on hand, and every "quick clinic" (HEB, etc.) I've called is out. SO C will be protected and the rest of us will wait!

Okay, folks. I'm getting kind of desperate and need some advice...

My OB wants me to get a flu shot. No problem. R and I have decided that it will also be wise to get C a flu shot since her brothers will have limited immunity when they are born. No problem.

WELL there is a problem. I refuse to give C any vaccines that contain thimerosol basically because I'm not completely convinced that there is absolutely no autism link. And, why take the chance?

I've done my research and found that FluZone makes a single-dose pre-filled syringe for infants and toddlers 6 months-3 years old. That is really the only one I'm open to use for C. Our doctor's office only carries FluZone in the multi-dose vials and those vials contain a full dose of thimerosol. I've talked to our nurse and she's done her best to call pharmacies to see if they could fill a prescription for the single-does pre-filled syringe of FluZone, but she's had no luck.

Does ANYONE have ANY ideas? Do you think I should call other doctor's offices in town and see if they have the vaccine we want? Do you think they'd give it to someone who isn't an established patient?

There are several other options for me...Mostly pre-filled syringes and single dose vials. You can get more information here. And BTW, if I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't care about getting a dose of thimerosol myself, but since I am pregnant and responsible for what I put in my body and its potential to harm the boys, I'm being overly-cautious!

I'm desperate and looking for advice or help. Please share any ideas that you have! Thanks!


  1. That is crazy that C's doc doesn't carry the thimerisol-free vaccine. Elias' ped said that's the only one they carry for kids... Anyways, last year we got ours at our local county health clinic, and it was the same one you're talking about. In our county, they give free immunizations to people in the high-risk categories, which I believe you would be because you're pg, not sure about C. Either way, it couldn't hurt you to call the county health department and ask... They may be able to reference you to someone either way.

  2. Corrie,
    Our pediatrician DOES have the pediatric single-doses, but they're out of the adult ones (for pregnant me). When I was pregnant with Hannah I had a hard time finding them but finally was able to find them at the CVS Minute Clinic. They also had the preservative-free shots for 6 months-3 year olds. I'm sure you've already checked those type of places, but if not, it's worth a shot (no pun intended!).
    If not, maybe you can wait until you guys are up here in a few weeks. I know they tend to be readily available probably because we're so close to a big city.
    Hope you find some for Miss C!

  3. I just had to come back and say this. My OB wants me to get a flu shot as well but doesn't give them in his office either. I believe that it's important and will be getting one, but why can't they offer them in their office if they feel so strongly?! Life would be much easier.

  4. I always got my kids immunizations at the health dept.when they got older. Since my tax dollars had already paid for them and I could just drop in, it made sense. I second checking with them. Certainly they should be able to tell you where you might find it.
